Abbott has no religion except for his own personal greed and lust for power.
He’s not a Christian. He’s a Christnapper. He’s seized Jesus name and destroyed every word Jesus spoke: love one another, love your enemies, turn the other cheek, the parable of the Good Samaritan, helping the poor, feeding the hungry, anger at the moneylenders and that the door to heaven is essentially shut for the worshippers of mammon. Oh, and the Sermon on the Mount.
He’s suppressed and blasphemied Jesus, denying and crucifying Him daily.
And he’s substituted crony capitalism as his God. And contempt for the poor, the hungry and the foreigner—the EXACT OPPOSITE OF JESUS.
If Jesus is real, then Abbott is unequivocally an agent of Satan.
Those religious states are filled with Christnappers. Actual believers in what Jesus taught are a tiny, nearly invisible there.
The loudmouth Satanist Christnappers are the majority.