Ah. I would not exclude anyone, even opponents. Where the Middle East is concerned, my view is that ordinary people should reach out directly to each other in friendship—in defiance of leaders who divide them. There is a small Saners project (not really doing much yet) called BeFriend. In most conflicts, I don’t pick sides. We want people to bypass politics and build personal genuinely empathetic relationships. This is such a different way of thinking—rejecting the framework of us against them—that it’s difficult to get comfortable with it. Even for me, and I’ve been wrestling with this approach for some time.
It does get easier and make more sense when you start living it. But I’ve reached out directly and personally to MAGA supporters, to “Pro Life” activists and others. I do not compromise or concede my views…but I recognize their humanity and ask them to do the same with those with whom they disagree. This can change things more than you might expect.
Especially when I bring coffee and donuts. Yes, I literally did that! ;-)