AOC is a fine person and I respect her. However, I am done showing any respect for electoral politics. It’s time we recognize that both parties are awash in corporate money and although the GOP will gleefully kill us faster than the Democrats, both will kill us and indeed ARE killing us by pandering the planet-destroying oil profiteers.
I will not listen to a word a politicians says. Their actions show who they are. I will, however, tell them—all of them in any party—THIS:
“ We all know that our federal officials are awash in corporate money and are making policy for those bribe givers. (I won’t use the ridiculous euphemism ‘donations.’) Millions of us know this. We understand that the government is not representing us, but is instead complicit in destroying our climate for their paymasters. If you are taking payments, stop it and reverse course. Speak out for the people and the planet. Your position comes with responsibility and right now the body you serve in is committing the worst crimes against humanity in history.”