At this point, destroying the climate is a public-private partnership. The whole system must be scrapped. Not just the petro-plutocrats of the United States and the European Union (and elsewhere). Also, the petro-dictators of China, Russia, the Middle East, and beyond.
As long as these systems and leaders remain in place, there is literally zero possibility that our children will inherit a habitable Earth. Fortunately, a few thousand short-sighted "authorities" would have no chance against say, a billion sane and caring parents who won't give up their children without a fight. A billion sounds like a big number, but that only one-eighth of the world's population.
But it's still way, WAY more than the number of failed leaders who are destroying everything.
WE must refuse to cooperate, expose the failure with a harsh unrelenting spotlight of TRUTH and use sabotage as needed. Pipelines and refineries are today's equivalent of train tracks to Auschwitz. Fossil fuels are Zyklon B.