Member-only story
We can be better than this, but perhaps far less than perfect.
By now it’s probably obvious to most of my readers that, although I focus on the climate emergency, I’m also seeking to change society and culture as a whole for the better. And part of that is each of us trying to be better individuals.
In making society better and improving individuals, I’m focusing on myself — setting an example with my own attitudes and behavior. My efforts and abilities in this area are…uneven. I’m strongly convinced that I’m no better than average, but this gives my efforts extra value — not less. Because if I can do something, you most likely can do it as well. Probably better.
This isn’t self-flagellation. I think being average is pretty good. And what we do with the capabilities we have is the real point anyway. In fact, I have no illusions that I can save the world from this emergency. Or that I can build a better society (though the one we have now has set a pretty low bar).
But I’m convinced that someone can. People with abilities no better than mine. And especially people who have skills and abilities that I lack. In other words, I have no illusions about myself, but I have great hopes for US.
This hope isn’t based on naivety. I’m fully aware of the terrible things human beings have done. But I am equally…