But we aren't doing this for several reasons: 1. The fossil fuel industry finances politicians who, in turn, protect the fossil fuel industry—and grievously damage the environments, 2. The miracle of the market is a lie and we need to make a conscious effort to protect the Earth even if it's not profitable.
You know what? We fought the Nazis, built and atomic bomb and sent men to the moon—ALL OF THIS at government expense and not for profit. Yes, they all lost money but we did them because WE CARED ABOUT DOING THEM.
The only question is, do we care about our children and the planet they will inherit? Or are we so hypnotized by neoclassical economic lies that we'll kill our own offspring to protect plutocrats.
I think a huge percentage of people lost faith in the 1% decades ago, and that they love their children, love life, love Nature and love our planet.