In 2004, the oil giant BP launched an ad campaign promoting a carbon footprint calculator, enabling YOU to take responsibility for global warming. So that those actually responsible — like BP — wouldn’t need to.
It worked. To this day, the $250 million campaign continues to pay dividends. Even now, as we see mind-boggling storms, wildfires and heatwaves, as temperatures in SIBERIA top 100 degrees, well-meaning people everywhere work hard to reduce their personal carbon footprints.
Meanwhile BP, Shell, Exxon and the rest continue to destroy the climate and speed the end of civilization simply to make more profits. No governments or policies stop them because they buy influence with politicians and have policies written specifically for them.
Of course K Street is no secret. But we ignore what we know — corporations like Exxon literally purchase policy and are destroying everyone’s future. They are turning the planet into a hellhole that will make today’s deadly storms, wildfires and heatwaves look like the Garden of Eden.
This reveals the weakness of the clever morons who are fully responsible for global warming. They fear being identified and held responsible.
Our best chance of survival isn’t reducing our personal carbon footprints. It’s to call them out on it every day.
Personally, I’m sending this message to members of Congress.
It’s over. Everyone knows that Congress sells policy to wealthy donors and the oil industry has been able to continue to destroy Earth’s climate for 40 years with help from people like you. We hold YOU personally responsible, along with every fossil fuel company who gives you and/ or other members of Congress money. Via PACs or whatever.
Stop it. Now. Reverse course and speak out every day because — lest you forget — your actions will cause great unavoidable suffering to your grandchildren, possibly your children. Because they live on Earth. Tell the truth: that policy is purchased and that fossil fuel companies are destroying the climate for profit.
YOU have been a part of the problem. This is your one and only chance to make amends. To your own family. Before it’s too late.
If you care.
Please feel free to steal my words in full or write your own and send them. Neither Congress nor the oil companies care about you. They’re so hypnotized by greed that they may not even care about their own offspring.
But they fear being exposed and held responsible.
Instead of US being afraid, let’s bring fear to THEM.
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NOTE: Those of you who have been following me know that my original view was to approach oil execs and politicians with empathy and try to persuade them.
Recently, I’ve changed my mind. There’s no time left for psychological games. The (predictable) failure of COP 26 has made clear that nobody will make any meaningful effort to even delay the coming climate collapse. We must be direct and persistent starting yesterday.