Companies, ultra-wealthy individuals and politicians have decide to accelerate climate collapse to satisfy personal greed and lust for power. Remember—climate scientists warned them (and us) decades ago, yet C02 emissions are at record levels and STILL INCREASING.
This isn't an accident. This is a decision by policymakers. They are serving the corporations and rich people who give them money and help them get elected.
The ONLY people who can rescue the Earth's climate for everyone's children and for all the species that share this planet with us are ordinary people like you and me. People who CARE will be the backbone of any successful movement to change policy and behavior. WE will force the end of drilling and mining. WE will change what food and energy is produced and made available. WE will reverse growth, and move the Earth's human population to a lower and sustainable number by reducing births. WE will end the production of endless crap which fills our landfills and adds unnecessary toxins to our air and water.
WE and only WE can do this. What will YOU do?
Please start HERE: