Extraction economies that require eternal growth are inconsistent with the continuation of human survival. This isn’t just western capitalism. China devastates the Earth, Russia devastates the Earth, just as the EU countries do. We have some absolutely false assumptions that we lack the imagination to see beyond.
The way the world works NOW seems to be the only possibility with perhaps a few minor reforms.
But we need fundamental change. And this IS possible. The people and systems that are in charge now will not like it. But because the climate collapse—a crisis created and accelerated by those very people and systems—will overwhelm them, continuation of our past ways will be impossible.
Climate collapse isn’t coming. It’s here. It’s manifesting itself in different startling ways. There will be times when life seems almost normal, and others where the crisis seems unstoppable and unbearable.
The wildfires, droughts, shortages, floods, heatwaves and worse are here. The collapse of this outmoded civilization, and politics and economies is coming. The only real question is “what will WE do”?
By “we” I do not mean political and business leaders. They will soon be history. I mean ordinary people—you and me. People who did everything under the old order and lived off of the scraps allowed by those in charge. People who were obedient to the systems and believed that the jobs, the currency, the technology and all was a gift of our leaders, and that there was no other way.
What will WE do when we are no longer led?
I believe we must push aside the failed leaders and catastrophic systems NOW, not waiting for the imminent collapse. Time is of the essence. I believe we CAN and MUST put climate scientists in charge of an emergency worldwide program to salvage what we can of our damaged Earth. I believe we must put young climate activists in charge of these emergency arrangements because THEY will inherit the unforgivable mess that failed leaders and systems passed on to them.
And I believe it’s the responsibility of all caring sane people to stand up to the challenge and ensure the success of the scientists and the children.
EarthRebirth Team
5 Minutes to Save the Earth
A Climate Declaration