Finding Opportunities to Denounce the Oil Scam

Ray Katz
3 min readAug 10, 2022

Leaders worldwide have no plan to stabilize the climate. Nor do they have any intention to try.

Photo by Documerica on Unsplash

We need to belabor the obvious because our leaders and their absurd media pals won’t tell the truth. And the truth is as undeniable as it is obvious. So, let’s all say it out loud, publicly, and as frequently as possible.

Let’s yell it from the mountaintops.

Our so-called leaders worldwide have failed to preserve a habitable Earth and we are witnessing climate collapse everywhere. They must resign, and we must turn over the Earth to the young, the people who will inherit the disaster those failed leaders created.

What we must make happen.

The old leaders have no moral grounds (or indeed even ability) to “serve” and the young are entitled to try to rescue their planet NOW, while there is still (a little) time. So, put young climate leaders in charge TODAY. Let them direct a worldwide program to end climate abuse, slash C02 emissions, end the use of fossil fuels, and ramp up clean energy. Let this program be designed and executed by climate scientists and engineers.

Here’s the issue:

This absolutely morally imperative approach isn’t even on the radar yet. The same idiots who are destroying the planet (or…



Ray Katz

Internet pioneer. But I’m most interested in stabilizing the Earth’s climate and promoting our common humanity.