First of all, I'm now following you. I didn't know what a Deep Green activist is, but I may be one. You might be able to tell me!
I agree with your position, substantially if not completely. I think that no leader in business or government either understands the climate crisis or takes it seriously.
I'm not a scientist and try to defer to science insofar as I understand it. Yes, the crisis is complex but there is no solution that doesn't include a speedy and deep cut in the use of fossil fuels. Anybody that doesn't have an idea of how to do that or the intention of carrying it out is simply whistling in the dark.
I've started an activist group, and I'm learning to be very, very good at activism...but I'd love to have a science advisor...which could be you....
The Saners—the international group we've begun—is focused on preventing climate collapse and on replacing the current failing world civilization with one that respects Life and Nature.
Our activism descends from Gandhi and King—focusing on nonviolent noncooperation—and extends through a variety of successful movements to the present day. We envision largely ending oil and fossil fuels through withdrawal of our labor and support. That is, getting people who are currently doing the work—mining, pumping, refining, etc.—to stop.
We'd end all senseless labor—which is most of it—and focus on producing healthy food, medicine and other truly necessary or very, very worthwhile things.
While dismantling the current destructive systems, and ending maybe 80%-90% of all production, we'd built alternative systems for people to take care of themselves and others. On balance, I think people will have much, much more free time—to live and finally become human beings, and not mere human resources.
While production would be sharply and quickly cut (to slash emissions), population itself would edge down—there would be no cultural imperative for growth and reproduction would not be celebrated (or punished).
Anyhow, I've spent about 2 years studying the history of movements, communicating with activists and social scientists. And thinking.
I don't know if my activism fits with yours or not. But I'd be thrilled if you were interested in The Saners and could offer me any advice or insights.