Member-only story
Why community and recognition of our common humanity is the key to preventing climate collapse.
The proximate cause of climate destruction is our drilling, mining and burning of fossil fuels. There are other significant causes, but fossil fuel use is the big obvious one. It’s also one we fail to do anything about. And if we continue to fail, it WILL end civilization and destroy the lives of our children.
The proximate reason why we don’t do anything about it, for most of us, is that either we can’t — because we have no influence on how energy is produced and we can only use what’s available to us — or we don’t know what to do. And yes, many of us don’t want to do anything about the crisis because we fear change, and we are unwillling to make sacrifices. Even for the well-being and survival of our own children.
Something which should shock us.
A Negative Divisive Culture and Ideology
Humans are a social species. We like to be together, to share stories and to cooperate. But we live in a culture and an ideology that’s hostile to our Nature. We are so warped by demands that we compete, by glorification of wealth and greed, and by an exhausting day-to-day struggle to simply live, that our Nature seems to be nearly the opposite of what it actually is.