Hi, Andrea!
Time is running out for the climate and our children's future. I agree with you that we need to use every strategy and tool at our disposal to the fullest.
I have never owned a car, plan to install a heat pump, and will be moving into a home half the size of the one I live in now. This year, i quit beef. I walk everywhere, and rarely fly. I take trains and buses when necessary.
I intend to continue refining my lifestyle to protect the climate—even though I recognize these actions are woefully insufficient.
I liken my solo efforts to bailing a sinking boat furiously while a handful of passengers continue to widen the breach in the hull.
If I don't stop those foolish destructive passengers, we'll all drown no matter how speedily I bail water.
My effort to stop the people who are sinking our climate and our children's future is called EarthRebirth.Team.
Everyone who cares is welcome to take a look and consider joining.