Hi! I've been exploring this subject for sometime. You and I are not alone. And there's some interesting ideas you might not yet have come across.
First of all, what to do about jobless people? I've been suggesting that we should slash not only C02 use, but all production except for necessities like food, shelter and medicine. If we only work to produce essentials and NOT mountains of commodified crap to go into our landfills, waste our energy and time, and poison the planet...well, we'd be working a whole lot less.
We'd have a ton of time, but less stuff to play with.
Horrors! We'd probably start talking to each other, walking in Nature, spending time with pets and hobbies, creating things, expressing ourselves in art
All the things that make life worth living, instead of shopping and working to make undeserving people richer.
Anyhow, regarding money, there's the UBI idea—universal basic income. And there's my idea of the Life Co-op—a network of coops that people can work at in exchange for only the necessities of living. So, your work tie would be very short and focused only on things like housing, medicine or food. And then you'd have more time to ACTUALLY live than ever before. And you won't be exhausted from "working for the man."
But much more important than this is the Saners movement. People who realize that destroying the planet you live on—or allowing others to do that—is literally insane. Saners won't do it, won't cooperate and are banding together to make noise, change the conversation and ultimately change the world.
Their strategy is satyagraha—the approach Gandhi used to drive the British out of India, and King used to get civil rights legislation passed.
There is a website at WeAreSaners.org and an email list to join HERE.