How about "as long as it takes?" It's always easy to find money to prop up Big Oil, or give huge tax cuts for the undeserving rich.
But when someone proposes spending a dime for the poor, or for any worthy cause, there is always hand wringing about "how are we going to pay for this?"
Looks, we are SPENDING TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS funding our own destruction and ensuring that our children will die struggling on a ruined planet. We are. subsidizing not only the death of our own children, but everyone's children.
So, I think before we even start talking about Ukraine, which is billions of dollars and affects a relatively small part of the world, we need to talk about the TRILLIONS being spend to end life as we know it on Earth.
Fossil Fuels Received $5.9 Trillion In Subsidies in 2020, Report Finds
This story is just about 2020, but this funding universal death with TRILLIONS (not just billions) of dollars is ongoing.