“How in the hell could a man enjoy being awakened at 8:30 a.m. by an alarm clock, leap out of bed, dress, force-feed, shit, piss, brush teeth and hair, and fight traffic to get to a place where essentially you made lots of money for somebody else and were asked to be grateful for the opportunity to do so? ”
—Charles Bukowski
This girl is exactly right and her detractors are fools. All we have is time, and we waste our precious limited lives commuting and making useless widgets, poisoning the planet…all to make a few unworthy selfish and greedy fools feel important and powerful.
We should NEVER submit to this. We should ONLY work the minimum to have what we need for life—food, medicine and the like. Instead, work continues to take up our entire lives despite all the increases in productivity. The fools in charge, the people who are so stupid that as they willfully destroy the planet their children will inherit, they think they are brilliant and victorious.
Some of us recognize this is literally insanity. And we are working to END the insanity.
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