I am in favor of JSO and EVERY sincere effort made to prevent climate collapse. But I also see something missing: learning from history.
We've witnessed many, many movements—some complete failures, some partial successes and some very, very successful. We should be able to learn what strategies and tactics have the best chance of success and CONCENTRATE ON EXECUTING THOSE.
In our current circumstances, fighting Big Oil is being treated as a political problem. We are trying to win the hearts and minds of voters and legislators.
I believe that approach is based on a misreading of the situation.
Our entire economic and political system is built on fossil fuels and the cooking of the Earth is a private-public partnership. Both the governments and Big Oil are committed to continuing burning every last speck of fossil fuel—or die trying.
Saving the Earth is more like ousting a dictator. Big Oil and the nation-state must be roundly defeated. We must remove the pillars of support that enable planet-killing governments and corporations to rule.
At this dire time, when the biosphere is close to being destroyed and human and ALL life on the planet is in severe danger, we need a Worldwide Climate Emergency Program—designed largely by scientists—that would include QUICKLY and SHARPLY slashing fossil fuel use and taking other steps to protect our air, water and soil.
The sane and caring people of Earth, those who love their children and respect Life and Nature—that is, billions of people—must insist on full compliance with the plan, and dis-empower nations and corporations from any future role, effectively neutering them through non-cooperation.
This isn't impossible. Continuing along this course, and willingly supporting the death of our children and most of our species—THAT is unrealistic, or more precisely, INSANE. Some of us have decided to end the insanity. YOU can join us.