I believe this is a brilliant book. Possibly my favorite. I'm not sure it's as hostile toward the rich as you see it. But it does see pressures created which force rich people to see things differently and, in some cases, reverse course.
It does portray the rich as living with blinders. Many authorities simply say the climate isn't their area of responsibility. This is true of financial authorities which, clearly, serve the wealthy.
In my view, wealthy people like everyone else pretty much do what's expected of them and engage in behavior modeled by their peers. There's very little imagination or dynamic initiative going on in the world.
In my view, authorities and wealthy people and "leaders" have failed catastrophically and will never save us.
WE—millions and perhaps billions of ordinary sane people—must take control of events and rescue our Earth from climate abuse. We must sidestep authorities and the rich by refusing to obey them, by ignoring or defying their commands, and going over their heads. I feel certain that a billions or more sane people determined that their children will inherit a habitable Earth can easily overwhelm and defeat a few thousand short-sighted fools who have "wealth" and "power" but in fact produce nothing, aren't that smart and are completely dependent on others to even feed and clothe them.