I don't know that I read more books by female authors than I used to, but I suspect that I do. That's not because I seek them out—it just seems that more books that interest me are written by female authors. As a group, maybe women are getting into print much more than in the past. I don't know this, but that's what I suspect.
What I DO know is that I've taken much more interest in women astronauts than in the past. I'm a space buff and I love the HUMAN stories related to space exploration. Of course, in the old days, VERY FEW women were astronauts. And even now, women are still well under 50% of astronauts and therefore still underrepresented.
But boy, do they have GREAT STORIES! One was the first to bring espresso into space. I LOVE espresso and this astronaut made it happen. There's wonderful picture of her in the observation cuppola, hair flowing, drinking an espresso FROM A CUP. NOT a tube!
Anna Fisher, the first mom in space, is amazing. There's a photo of her in her spacesuit with the most moving look of wonder in her eyes.
Mae Jaimeson is tiny, but she was a powerhouse. She's also the only astronaut who quit because she'd "been there, done that." And then she became a medical researchers.
Sorry about the topic change, but people who know me realize that my mind ultimately always turns to space exploration...