I give money to homeless people. A few months ago, I bought a homeless person lunch. I find is depressing that I pay taxes and the government buys military hardware to kill people—but can’t be bothered to feed or house people.
I feel cheated.
I also love dogs. They are also worthy of love and care.
We need to care for people, for animals and for the whole biosphere. If we don’t, future generations will struggle for survival on a ruined planet.
This is my obsession. I’m dedicated to rescuing our planet for these new generations, for the young. I feel that it is my moral responsibility.
There is a group I’ve started. It’s not my group; it belongs to everyone who cares.
I’m getting old, I just want to live long enough to see the insanity end, to see us stop burning fossil fuels and protect our children and their future. Everyone’s children.