I guess I'll need to get down in the weeds here—because I'm not being clear enough. That's a flaw I have sometimes as a writer.
When I say "We are all on the same Earth and therefore on the same side," I don't mean that we all agree and and are working together for the same thing.
What I was trying to say is that—even though some of us don't recognize it—by living on the same planet we share a common interest in it's stability and the health of its ecosphere.
For some, it SEEMS like we have different interests. Oil execs and hedge fund managers may feel (and I believe most DO feel) they have a common interest with other Earthlings. They think that stockpiling money and power protects them.
It does not protect them. It will not protect them. Deep down, most of those people KNOW that money won't protect them.
They KNOW that they are endangering their children and grandchildren. They are living in an illusion—probably for a variety of psychological reasons.
The people who are destroying the Earth are doing so in error. They feel like and, at least in part, that THEY are right, that THEY are the good guys. Some believe their own propaganda. They think that they are geniuses and that they will save the world while pumping oil and dealing with the crisis with technology. Or they simply believe that markets are magic and everything will work out—and that's not their problem.
So, I recognize that many people are not on the same side. They have made a false choice, they have chosen a fantasy. They have chosen to believe that everyday is Christmas, that they can eat all of the cookies and ice cream and that their bellies will never ache.
They believe they can defy Natural Law. They cannot. In their minds, they are NOT on the same side.
But in physical reality—which always asserts itself—they DO, in fact, ultimately share the same fate as everyone else.
Oh, and regarding unity—we don't need it to move forward. There has never been unity on anything and yet changes have happened throughout history.
Revolutions change governments and yet the populations of countries have never ALL supported those revolutions.
Not all Americans (not by a long shot) supported desegregation in the South. Not all Indians wanted the British to leave. Unity has never existed and has never been required.
Change is a complicated process. There is always opposition. But victory isn't always won by force. The most spectacular changes are made by a deep understanding of the dynamics of human behavior—and a series of non-violent actions that are designed to dis-empower those who have long been in charge.
Change is very hard. That's why so many attempts fail. That's why people of average ability—like me—must study and learn from people who understand this process much better. And not just famous people like Gandhi and King (although they are very sharp and helpful.)
In modern times, Otpor and CANVAS are particularly instructive.
If we do our jobs right, ultimately SOME of the opposition, including prominent influential members, WILL join us. General Smuts—who ordered the shooting of many of Gandhi's supporters—ultimately came to support him. This kind of thing DOES happen.
I can't promise, in advance, that our efforts will succeed. We are, indeed, not all behaving like we are on the same side.
But the Earth and Nature, depending on how we treat Her, will preserve us—or kill us. Pretty much all of us.
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