I have great confidence in the abilities and talents of engineers and scientists. They have done incredible things, and have already created and improved all kinds of clean energy technology.
I have no confidence in political and (especially) business leaders who have failed year after year to do anything meaningful about the climate catastrophe for at least 40 years now. I am open to a breakthrough, but I think our best hope lies in exposing them as failures, forcing them to step down, and overruling anything in our current systems that blocks or slows our path to clean energy.
I see that, according to the International Monetary Fund, countries have subsidized the fossil fuel industry to the tune of $5.9 TRILLION in the single year 2020 alone. If there was a proposal to end those subsidies and instead provide them to clean energy research and development, there would be howls from business and political leaders (and their think tanks and other propaganda machines) saying we can’t afford that.
They are, literally, insane and not competent to the task that’s required of them. They will kill us all with the self-deception, their lies, their excuses and their incompetence.
So, I have hope. As the wildfires, heatwaves and killer storms become more frequent and more deadly, the world will lose confidence and depose these losers and put competent scientists and engineers in charge.
I only hope that this doesn’t happen too late.