I have never owned a car and I rarely drive. I don't even ride a bike. I walk or take public transportation pretty much everywhere.
I live in a city in large part because you CAN live without a car. Walking is good for your physical and mental health.
It's really stupid to use a 2 ton vehicle to move around a 150lb person. Even if you are out of shape, an electric scooter or electric bike would do the job.
Need to move children? Ride a bus. Take an Uber.
Of course, the BIGGEST reason to abandon cars and every kind of wasteful stupid activity. For example, 90% of what's produced on the planet is CRAP for profit, not healthy food or clothing or shelter or medicine. We should ditch the wasteful production so our children may not need to struggle on a planet cooked with fossil fuels.
What we are doing is insane. It's not that people are stupid—we are born into a world with insane systems and policies and ways of living. It's legal—and very profitable—for oil companies to destroy the climate with their toxic product; but illegal to post flyers speaking out against them.
The insanity must stop. Some of us are unwilling to obey, to support or to excuse the willful trashing of our children's planet. We care about LIFE and NATURE, and do not recognize greed as a legitimate excuse for killing everything in the current Sixth Extinction.
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