I have no strong opinions about nuclear energy. I'm slightly leaning against—I'm assuming that nuclear is there to maximize profits, not save the Earth. It is NOT unlimited and free like solar or wind. But, on the other hand, if it COULD contribute to avoiding climate doom, I'd absolutely support it.
That said, the ONLY way to save the biosphere is to slash CO2 emissions NOW. Increasing alternative energy capacity has not had any meaningful effect. Alternative energy is useless and essentially acts as a cover for climate criminals because it's treated as progress—when, in fact, fossil fuel use continues to INCREASE.
IF, first, we use all the existing alternative energy to REDUCE the use of fossil fuels, THEN and only then would nuclear energy have any credibility whatsoever.
Personally, I think the first essential step to saving the biosphere is immediately removing all world leaders and the extractive economic systems that drives petro-plutocrats to cook the Earth for personal profit.
All leaders and systems—political and economic—have failed consistently and catastrophically. Pledges to maybe do something by 2050? Is ANYONE still stupid enough to believe those people?
Nah. The status quo is already heading for a quick collapse as the wildfires, heatwaves, crop failures, killer storms, droughts and floods get bigger and more frequent. These guys are in way over their heads.
It's up to US to put climate scientists and young climate activists in charge of a worldwide emergency program to save what can be saved.
WE can do this. The current leaders and systems will be gone soon. WE should finish them off because every day we wait makes out children's future that much worse.
The effort has begun. Please do your part. If you act NOW, you won't need to explain to your children and grandchildren why, in that critical time, you did nothing.
EarthRebirth Team (group)
A Climate Declaration (framework for change)
5 Minutes to Save the Earth (podcast)