I know this isn’t original but it’s simply well-known and true: the ultra rich and giant corporation finance politicians and make policy through their paid agents. That’s what lobbying and K Street is all about. That’s why any politician will take a meeting with a billionaire from outside his district but won’t do that with an ordinary constituent. That’s why there are “think tanks” that write bills for Congress to pass.
And that’s why the system cannot be reformed from within. Nor can it easily be overthrown. Furthermore, we have less than 8 years until climate doom.
What to do?
We CAN save the planet and our species. We don’t need a majority or a movement of millions. We just need to make fossil fuels are really risky investment.
Read How To Blow Up A Pipeline by Andreas Malm. If we let the climate and civilization collapse, the other issues don’t matter. We can do this.