I never thought about the term "Crisis Mind," but the small, but growing movement I started, The Saners, seems to embody it.
We believe it is literally insane to destroy (or allow others to destroy) the planet we all live on. We have not faith in either governments or business to save us; in fact, we recognize them as a private-public partnership working to destroy everything out of a misguided lust for power and limitless greed.
We recognize that both governments and corporations are powerless without the active cooperation and support of the ordinary people (like us) who actually do all the work. Leaders don't fight wars, or produce food, or maximize profits. Everything is done by the ordinary person, and this is true in plutocracies, in dictatorships, under countries that claim to be practice capitalism or socialism or communism.
We are determined to use historically proven successful tactics (such as satayagraha as practiced by Gandhi's followers) to get the job done—prevent climate collapse, and establish a human new civilization based on values very much like those of the "Crisis Mind."
You can read about The Saners at WeAreSaners.org. And, if you like, you can join The Saners at WeAreSaners.org/join.