I think our institutions have been and continue to behave in a way that deserves to lose our respect and support.
I think that our institutions are so corrupt that they cannot be reformed from within. I think that people should, instead, reach out to each other and build communities and local institutions of our own to deal with the problems and crises.
We should not bother supporting, protecting or excusing or doing the work that failed institutions—either corporations or governments—want and expect from us. Let’s let them whither and die. They have the option of reversing course—if they take it we can take a 2nd look.
But for now, we should recognize the truth—they are worse than useless. They are childish and selfish and greedy and incompetent.
WE as people can do much better than the failed leaders and institutions. They are literally destroying the habitability of the Earth. That’s absolutely insane.