I think that American institutions are rotting from within and the SCOTUS is just another example.
What’s wrong with America, and much of the world is that the system is a plutocracy built on sick values. These societies do not value either human beings or Nature. These awful values view both as simply resources to create wealth and power for an undeserving greedy few.
Whole lives of millions of people—wasted doing useless or destructive “work” are destroyed—along with the planet’s entire biosphere because of these evil values.
We must put the spotlight on greed and power lust and expose it for the shameful and cruel force it is. Every moment of work producing crap, unessential crap created solely to make certain people richer, is a waste of human life and an affront to Nature.
Our work should be sharply limited to what’s needed: food, medicine, shelter and the like. And with all those freed up hours and energy, we could finally be what humans could and should be: free people who share the amazing experience of consciousness, who express themselves in art, who enjoy each other’s company, who watch the sunset. People who are animated by love and wonder.
The hate and cruelty and greed and selfishness must be roundly rejected by all sane and civilized people. We are working on it, along with preserving our planet’s climate.