IF things go as you say, it’s too slow and too late to be happy about. This idea that the market will save us is, in practice, an excuse for passivity. This helps the oil tycoons finish their profitable destruction of Earth’s climate.
But people are done trusting and done waiting. It’s 2023. Leaders worldwide were clearly and forcefully warned about the crisis in 1988.
For 35 years, they’ve done nothing meaningful except invent clever excuses.
Nobody has told Exxon and She’ll and Chevron “no.” Indeed, giant new oil leases are being handed out like candy.
This is obscene and absurd.
WE, the sane and caring people of Earth, will step up to protect our children and our planet. We will put climate scientists in charge of climate policy—worldwide. No politicians, no businessmen.
What’s happening now is insane.
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