I’m sick of people complaining about wildfires, killer storms, bomb cyclones, heat domes, flooding, droughts, and the fact that we are rendering the planet uninhabitable for our children and grandchildren.
Nature is screaming at the top of Her lungs that we should stop abusing her. We shouldn’t listen.
Wait! No! I’m not sick of the complaining! I’m sick of the quiet resigned obedience. I’m sick of excuses and inaction.
When Freon and aerosols were destroying the ozone layer, we didn’t yell at people for using air conditioners and hairspray. We BANNED THE SUBSTANCES to solve the problem.
That is exactly the required approach for the current catastrophe. Oh, and “climate change” is a term popularized by PR flacks working for the fossil fuel industry to shift blame and evade their responsibility. Don’t use that term.
A Climate Declaration