I’m tired but scanned this and saved for later. What you wrote here looks very important and useful. I’ve been trying things and looking at various strategies. It’s hard to know how to focus my efforts. But my overwhelming concern is climate catastrophe.
I’ve written honest heartfelt letters to “villains” like Koch and oil executives…but recognizing them as people who believe what they are doing is right. I remind them that their actions are deadly for their own children and grandchildren and it’s not too late to reverse course.
I got discouraged and I’m now looking at the sabotage strategy proposed by Andreas Malm…as part of an approach that includes other forms of activism.
I would like to pick something that I can do best, to make a real difference. But I don’t yet know what that is, so right now I’m taking a variety of actions.
I’m hoping that, after a good night sleep, I can return to your article for inspiration.