It’s good for us as individuals to be more responsible. But we should FOCUS on ending the production of fossil fuels and the quick adoption of clean renewable energy. Because our survival depends on doing exactly that.
The truth is, people everywhere will use the energy made available to them. Even if they use less (and 7 billion people changing their habits simultaneously overnight is a long-shot), if it’s still fossil fuels, we are doomed.
We need to shut down ExxonMobil, Shell, BP and the rest asap. We think we are helpless and can’t do this. But that’s false. Those of us who love our children and care about the stability of the climate and the future of our species outnumber those who would destroy us—literally billions of us and only a few thousand of them.
We have been fooled into giving up. We should do exactly the opposite. We should refuse to cooperate, call out the ultra-wealthy energy fools and the politicians they own every day, make life a living hell for them, do not allow them any rest or refuge, and demand an uncompromising crash program to heal the climate NOW.
This is going to be a long hot summer. There will be giant wildfires and the failure of “leaders” worldwide will be obvious to everyone. The leaders of the United States, Brazil, China, Russia, India and elsewhere should be told to step up to the challenge with ACTION right now (not pledges and targets) or step down.
Impossible? No, very possible. Do you remember the Arab Spring? Do you remember the collapse of the Soviet Union? Supposedly powerful people are, without our cooperation, simply a bunch of old impotent men. We can do this.