Jean, if I wasn’t already following you I’d follow you again. Also, I really LOVE your writing. I am proud to say I think I’m an adequate writer. I’m adequate at many things. And below average at many others.
I think even those of us without any genius or brilliant skills can clearly see that Nature is confirming what scientists have warned. I am hoping that most of us—perhaps as many as a billion or more—will stand up and say “no more” to those people in positions of authority who have failed consistently to vigorously act to stabilize the climate and save the habitability of the planet. I hope we do that at the ballot box and, if necessary, in the streets. Worldwide. Soon.
Hey, this happened a week ago in Sri Lanka. It’s happened in many countries. I’m calling for young people (who will inherit the Earth) along with climate scientists and engineers (people with morals and ability) be put in charge before it’s too late.
That’s what is about. People may get tired of me taking about it, making noise about climate action, but I plan to do it to my last breath if necessary.
Thank you.