Let those idiots talk to themselves. We should ignore them and loudly assert the truths. Especially now when Wall Street itself is choking on toxic smoke of its own making, the audience for denial is shrinking to nothing among sane people.
And I won’t waste a second worrying about the insane.
Instead of reacting fearfully to our adversaries, let’s recognize their profound weakness, overwhelm the wealthy old impotent oil profiteers, and seize the initiative and power to protect our planet and our children.
Eyes open. The power is ours the second we disobey, we speak out, we dismantle the deadly extractive system that depends 100% on US doing the work.
We can and must do this. Some of us have begun. Find the others who care but have been immobilized by fear and defeatism. That phase is ending.
EarthRebirth Team
5 Minutes to Save the Earth
A Climate Declaration