Look, I have nothing against Biden. He's a nice man and I voted for him. But the fact is our system is awash in putrid oil money—the smell of death permeates everything this government does.
That's not Biden's fault but it's the truth. The "necessary" and "pragmatic" compromises require that, a best, we get tepid measure which will NOT stabilize the climate. Under this system, our children and our species are doomed.
This is not politics. This is physics and chemistry and Mother Nature doesn't give a crap about our politics.
Neither do I. For this reason, all of the leaders of every major industrialized country must go: in the United States, China, Russia, India, Brazil, Australia, France, UK—ALL of them.
We can do this because every government depends COMPLETELY on our obedience, cooperation and active support. Withdraw that, and the game is up. As the Sri Lankan leader found out just a few weeks ago.
There is a huge number of people—more than a billion—who understand that the cliamte crisis will kill us under current leadership. These people are fearful, anxious and angry. But they feel powerless and alone. They don't know they number more than a billion.
We can awaken them to their numbers and their power. They can then oust all the failed leaders, and put young climate activists in charge. Everywhere. These young activists will LISTEN TO THE SCIENTISTS, and empower them to do everything possible to stabilize the climate and ensure a habitable planet for future generation.
But WE must make this happen. Please read: