Love One Another. The Slogan That Realizes the Worst Fears of the Fools Who Are Cooking the Earth.
Many of us don’t believe in God, but we are calling the bluff by those who are using His Name to destroy the planet that He charged us to protect and cherish.
You know what? We are taking and adopting a slogan made famous by Jesus Christ. Not because we (necessarily) believe in his divinity. Some of us are believers and some are not.
But we all think it’s an indispensable principle to guide our lives. And that’s these three words:
Love one another.
Our entire species and others that inhabit this planet with us share a common fate — and right now we are speedily heading to human-created destruction and doom. We recognize that this is insane and we won’t allow fools to destroy the Earth. We call ourselves The Saners.
The opposition (we won’t call them “enemies” because we hate the sin and love the sinner) cannot be considered sane. To intentionally and knowingly ruin the biosphere upon which you and everyone you love depends is batsh!t crazy. Insane is a nice word for it.
The opposition also cannot claim to be followers of Jesus — no matter how loudly and hypocritically they shout His name. People who destroy the Earth for profit or ideology or to “own the libs” clearly do not love their neighbors — or one another.
So, that’s OUR slogan now. Love one another.
In the spirit of Christ (even those of us who do not believe in divinity or the supernatural), WE extend an olive branch to our opponents. We pledge to never threaten or harm you. But we WILL stop any actions that threaten us, that threaten the health of the biosphere, that threaten our loved ones — or your loved ones.
We won’t concentrate on the religious planet abusers. We will focus on the businessmen and politicians and other decision-makers. People in positions of power or wealth or authority or influence.
Today, NOW, we ask them to consider what their own children and grandchildren will think and say and feel when they realize that YOU (CEO of ExxonMobil or some bribe-taking politician…and yeah, it’s a bribe even if the oil money is called a “donation”) have done. How will YOU feel when you realize that the Earth is a hostile hellhole due to your short-sighted greed and foolishness, and that your progeny will struggle to survive under brutal conditions?
How will you feel when they curse you for your obtuse cruelty, when they refuse to let you see your grandchildren?
You can avoid all that by reversing course right now. We tell you this, dear oil profiteer, because we love you.
We Don’t Expect Many Climate Abusers To See the Light. We Plan To Simply Stop the Destruction.
Our offer to climate abusers in the upper echelons of the fossil fuel industry and in politics is genuine. We hope that some will take our offer — for their own sake as well as for others.
But we intend to enforce our will and stop climate destruction no matter what. This will happen in the form of ongoing and expanding campaigns of noncooperation. In short, WE are currently doing all the work for them, mining and refining and fracking. We will stop. We won’t produce fossil fuels and we won’t support political or economic systems or laws or rules that threaten life on Earth.
We will reduce production sharply. Production takes time and effort and we waste our lives — BILLIONS OF US waste our lives — working to produce mountains of useless crap to support a system that enriches a handful of unworthy and greedy fools. We won’t do it because producing that useless crap is the main driver of global warming and the human-engineered Sixth Extinction.
We will produce what’s needed and what we care about — healthy food, medicine and the like. We will share this so everyone has enough; this includes today’s foolish climate abusers. They will get what they need, but we won’t work to enrich them. We won’t waste a further second of our lives, because we are sane.
Yes, we know that human life is a few decades of consciousness book-ended by two infinities of non-existence. (Okay, some of our religious friends may disagree — but I don’t remember life before my birth, so I’m going with that.) Life is rare, short and precious.
We won’t waste it. We will work far, far less — the minimum necessary to meet human needs, but not to satisfy human greed. We will enjoy the limited time that we have, living our human experience as humans — not as human resources.
So, love one another. Take time to be with relatives, friends and even strangers. Take time to experience the world — to take a Nature walk, to create some work of art or other self-expression, to play with pets. Life is short, but in this new better society, you won’t be exhausted and you won’t be wasting your life making widgets for profit.
You will be living. So, let’s get to it. Love one another. Care for God’s green Earth. Let’s do what our opponents claim to do.
Please follow me on Medium. I’d love for you to explore (and join!) The Saners, a movement of people with common sense who intend to prevent climate collapse and ensure that our children live in a humane and sustainable society. See Also, the podcast called 5 Minutes to Save the Earth. And our YouTube Channel. The Saners have begun a summer campaign for (mostly) casual newbie activists called Strike While the Planet Is HOT!