MAGA is everything you say it is. We need to end all of it, not by voting or even protest but by our actual power—people power.
This is the power that allowed Soviet citizens to disband that evil empire, and it is the same power that can (and I'm determined WILL) end exploitation worldwide AND save the damaged climate, the biosphere that is on the edge of collapse due to the total and complete failure of the current civilization.
It's all about the winning strategy: nonviolent noncooperation. We will built a civilization on a foundation of love and caring and sanity. We will build it on the ashes of a dead society that was based on oil and greed and exploitation.
Join us. We are The Saners. We understand that to ruin the planet we all live on is insane. We will—in stages—withdraw our consent and our cooperation with and support of this shitshow. Because the leaders and decision makers need to go along with the system that allows the bigshot DO NOTHINGS to use all of us as their slaves, working and wasting nearly every day of our lives making them richer.
Sign up to The Saners now at Oh, and this would be a good time to starting thinking about and learning about quiet quitting—it's one of the first steps to transform the world.