Maybe I’m right and maybe I’m wrong. Here’s what I mean by “we.”
“We” are ordinary people who love their children or care about the Earth or Nature or the future. This is not everybody. But it’s near universal that parents love their children and typically work their whole lives to ensure their children will have better lives.
IF I am right, a large portion of those people are aware of the climate crisis and are ready to do whatever is necessary to preserve their children’s planet.
Some won’t because they’ve got ideological reasons that are more powerful than their love for their children. Some won’t because they are convinced there is nothing they can do and we are all doomed.
And the largest number simply don’t know what to do—because protesting and voting didn’t work. It is mostly the last group that I believe could be fashioned into a movement. To my mind, they are already a latent movement.
Like the people of Occupy just before Occupy. Or the people who dismantled the Berlin Wall who were invisible until they took action.
As I say, I absolutely could be wrong. Maybe nobody loves their children much. Or maybe everybody is defeated. I don’t know. But I believe that parents love for their children is a very, very powerful force.