Maybe I'm wrong. (Maybe. The truth is we are whistling in the dark, pretending we know things that we don't. The future isn't clear and it isn't determined. WE do have a role in shaping it.)
I don't have a detailed plan with all the answers. Life requires some improvisation. Life has a zillion unknowns.
The people who went to the moon began before they had all the answers. So did then people who built the atomic bomb. And the same is true of Gandhi and his followers—they didn't know how to get the British out of India.
They started with what they knew and they learned as they went along. That's my plan, too.
What's your plan? It's entirely possible that we are already doomed at that we need to begin some plan of adaptation. I don't need all the details. I don't expect them to be worked out in advance. How could they be? You don't know every detail of what we will face going forward.
Still, broadly speaking, what do you see as your approach to adaptation?
BTW - I don't see my approach, encouraging people to be kind to each other, and to lead by example, and to stop doing the activities that damage the planet's biosphere as foolish or bad. They may or may not be effective. In the past, some movements have been very effective and others have failed.
Those that always failed were those that did not try.
Maybe there needs to be a movement working towards adaptation. If you wanted to start one, I'd suggest to others that they consider it, that you might be right. Or, at least, it probably would do more good than harm to attempt mitigation and adaptation.
I can only tell you that I want what's good for people—now and going forward. Sometimes knowing what that is can be hard, perhaps impossible. I'm trying to do my best. I believe, in your own way, you are doing the same.