Nothing meaningful is being done. Nothing meaningful has ever been done by business or government.
Since the dire warning by climate scientist James Hansen in 1988—sharply slash fossil fuel use or the Earth boils—business and government worked together to INCREASE fossil fuels, alleging that it’s good for “the economy.”
Obviously, the intent was to retain and increase their personal wealth and power.
The only way to rescue the Earth from perennial abuse by Wall Street, big oil and other climate criminals is serious and massive noncooperation and disruption and disobedience.
This is the task that history has thrust upon the same caring people of Earth, especially parents and children.
WE and only WE the sane can fix the problems caused by the greedy and INSANE people who are wealthy and/or in positions of authority from turning our beautiful planet into a dead cinder.
A Climate Declaration
5 Minutes to Save the Earth