Oh, what crap. The concept of the personal carbon footprint was INVENTED by oil companies to deflect attention from the fact that THEY ARE DESTROYING OUR PLANET FOR PROFIT.
They buy our politicians (that’s what K Street is all about) and make the policies. (Policy is made for the wealthy donors, not voters. Does your congressman take your call? Or Exxon’s?)
They are the decision makers. And all of us trying to buy less and be ecologically responsible will not work.
Focusing on that provides cover for the fossil fuel ghouls who are openly committing the worst crime against humanity in history.
And probably the final one.
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From the Wikipedia entry for Carbon Footprint
“The term was popularized by a $250 million advertising campaign by the oil and gas company BP in an attempt to move public attention away from restricting the activities of fossil fuel companies and onto individual responsibility for solving climate change.[3][4]”