Member-only story
It’s a counterpoint to our gaslit climate-destroying civilization. And more than that.
The term for our climate movement, “The Saners” refers to the view that it is literally insane to knowingly destroy the habitability of the planet that you, and everyone you love, lives on. But there’s more to it than that. My selection of this term wasn’t without misgivings and doubts.
I began my journey as a climate activist not much more than a year ago, certainly less than two years. I was aware of the climate crisis for quite some time, and was never a doubter. I had understood enough science to recognize the reality of the crisis.
But I didn’t think it required my involvement. Yes, I had met Al Gore in 1988, when he was on a book tour with Earth In the Balance. It looked to me like the climate crisis was a job for governments, for politicians.
And although I didn’t have great faith in politicians (and even less in businessmen), I expected that the powers that be — that is, the rich and powerful — would handle it, if for no other reason than they wanted their children to live on a habitable planet.
In recent years, it became clear to me that the tunnel vision of the rich and powerful was such that they would enthusiastically lead us all over the climate cliff. Smart people with tunnel vision are, in effect, very…