Paul, I disagree with you on some things, but it's obvious to me that you are a smart and more importantly, good guy.
Here's something you might consider: focus on rallying people who agree with you to push forward on what you believe is right and necessary. While it's worthwhile to keep an eye on those who disagree [including perhaps sometime me! ;-) ], building a positive force to promote the ideas you believe in is, for the most part, a better use of the time.
In a way, I'm simply saying keep doing what you are doing! But maybe with a little more conscious of thinking about strategy. Ask: what's the best use of my time.
As you know, I don't believe that markets will save the Earth simply because renewable energy is now cheaper. But, hey, I could be wrong! And I want every sensible voice to be heard. You are on my list of "sensible voices."