Peer pressure is wasted on me. I do what I want and I don’t do what I don’t want. I went to a “druggie” college and never took any drugs, not even marijuana. I did theatre instead—which is far more interesting to me.
I’ve had serious surgery and I suppose I’m immunocompromised although I almost never get sick—I can’t even remember my last cold. I’m a NOVID. And I take more precautions than most people. I always wear a mask in a crowd and I often wear it just to do it. But I’ll sit in a cafe without one if people are a decent distance from me. (Like right now.)
COVID is still here. It’s dangerous and more dangerous for some people than others. We should seriously consider staying vaccinated and wearing masks—if for no other reason than respect for others.
In fact, most of the world’s problems today are because we are selfish and venal and don’t respect other people at all. Let’s change ourselves and our world for the better!