Rosalyn—you have it EXACTLY RIGHT.
I've come a a conclusion that our society is literally insane. This "free pass" for Trump is a part of it. But the insanity was here BEFORE Trump.
I'm a climate activist and our media and pundits and opinion makers STILL treat climate collapse, which is has begun, as something in the future that we can take some modest steps (if any) intermittently.
Leaders everywhere fail to treat this as a crisis. They KNOW what is happening. They were told directly by scientists long decades ago. But they are so crazy with greed and power lust that they cheerfully and enthusiastically destroy the biosphere and cook the Earth and doom everyone's children...including their own.
Look at other issues. All we need to is the Golden Rule to know what should be done. And most of us have that basic ethical instinct built into us—probably put there by evolution. That's why we feel bad and/or make wild justifications when we do something wrong. Because WE KNOW RIGHT FROM WRONG.
The Middle East? We shouldn't pick sides of one combatant over the other. We should immediately stop the killing (which is being done on an unforgivable scale right now by the Israeli government) and get immediate emergency aid to the victims (mostly Palestinians who have been brutally bombed). And we should require that anybody promoting violence should be made to stop.
And land? Borders are stupid. People should be friends because we are all mortal and share the same fate and share the human experience. There is no need to be cruel to each other. They should be friends. Besides which, the whole Middle East is burning up so to get through all this, they kind of MUST work together for the common good.
Racism? I can think of nothing stupider, and nothing that SHOULD be easier to solve. How about the Golden Rule. Reparations? That's a start and nobody should be worried or resentful about it. This isn't aimed at impoverishing struggling people. The objective is to lift up everyone—starting with people who have been wrongfully stomped down.
And again, we should be friends. We share the human experience. Life is short. But we all live in a world that seems miraculous—even with the struggles and suffering. We can and should socialize, express ourselves creatively, walk in Nature, help each other.
There is no "other." There's just all of us.
This is it. We are alive NOW. We shouldn't waste it. We do not need to waste it. We will have plenty of time to be dead.
My movement is focused on climate, but it also addresses society as a whole. It's called The Saners. Let's make a better society, and deal with the climate emergency immediately so that we can continue to have a society.