Member-only story
People are people. How hard is that to understand?
There’s a group of people that I can’t relate to. Those people aren’t bi or trans or nonbinary. I have no trouble with people based on their sexuality. And really, how is everyone’s sexuality my business? Isn’t that kind of personal?
I don’t have trouble with people based on their ages. Old? Young? We all age. Unless we get unlucky.
Ethnicity and nationality aren’t an issue. Unless you learned to prepare some exceptionally tasty cuisine from that background. In that case, I really want to be your friend! (Italians who cook— I’m looking at you!)
The people who seem to me to be “other” are those who reject the humanity of people based on weird suppositions and justifications. Here’s the thing…
We are all very similar to each other. Hell, we are all genetically very similar to chimpanzees. Why any of us would obsess negatively on our differences, I can’t fathom. We are all mortal. We are all living on an Earth that is being trashed by foolish business and political leaders. We all share a common fate. We all have similar needs, desires, and emotions.
Yeah, there’s a bit of a range of behaviors and tendancies, not only between different people but within the same people over time. Even moment to moment. But really, what makes us alike is…