The author is obviously a kind, intelligent and well-intentoned man. However, he is mistaken. The Earth's biosphere cannot sustain the abuse our species is inflicting on it. We are causing mass-extinctions RIGHT NOW at our current population. We are causing a formerly mostly benign climate to become increasingly deadly to human beings, animals, plants, insects and every living entity on the planet.
This is happening NOW at the current population of nearly 8 billion people. I don't see how it could be any clearer that we must change our behavior and shrink our numbers.
That said, the author is absolutely right that we need to change our thinking. We are PART of this ecosphere, and we’ve evolved along with it and are suited to live in community with all the creatures of the Earth. When we decide to ONLY care for humans, or worse—only for ourselves—we destroy our own habitat and suffer the consequences.
We can be better than this. We MUST be better than this.