Member-only story
A government entitlement program that’s never cut.
Ordinary Americans pay into government-managed insurance programs for retirement (Social Security), unemployment (Unemployment Insurance) and healthcare (Medicare). These programs, WHICH TAX PAYERS FINANCE, are always attacked as too expensive and labeled “entitlements.” But government programs benefiting the ultra wealthy and never paid for by them (unless you consider bribes paid to election campaigns) go on forever unimpeded and those unpaid benefits are always INCREASED.
We, of course, know why this happens. We have the best “representative” government that money can buy. We have a plutocracy with government officials on the payroll of wealthy patrons.
This isn’t even a secret. Everybody knows, but we don’t talk about it much. We sort of pretend we don’t know and act as if elections reflect the will of the people.
But it’s a simple undeniable fact that wealthy donors flood our politicians with money and they do so for favors. This works out well for the bribe takers and the bribe givers. But not for the tax paying American people, who are consistently ripped off and abused by both.
Plutocracy is a public-private partnership — at our expense.