Member-only story
Leaders and institutions are worried that you might not trust them anymore. You shouldn’t. Millions of us don’t.
Isn’t it a terrible thing that we don’t trust our institutions and leaders anymore? They think it’s terrible. They’re worried. Supreme Court Justices (of all people!) are speaking out publicly, whining about how they’re afraid of losing your trust.
These are the people that decided “money is speech” — allowing our government to be legally flooded with secret money from corporations and billionaires. These are the people who sanctified corruption and protected it from our prying eyes. Oh, corruption existed before Citizens United v. FEC, but to officially bless corruption more than justifies dismissing the Supreme Court as a failed institution that does not protect either democracy or justice.
Of course, it’s not just the Supreme Court. A few days ago, another Federal court ruled that the City of Berkeley, California cannot restrict the construction of new gas-friendly buildings. This was an attempt, a very tiny and minor attempt, to slightly slow down the global warming crisis that’s destroying the habitability of the Earth. But, no. The fossil fuel companies cannot be restricted. They must be free to pump the last drop of oil, poison us with the last whiff of gas, set our biosphere on fire with the last lump of coal.