This climate task force is a pleasant surprise. I love the Sunrise Movement and have a pretty high opinion of both Biden and Sanders. Compared to the MAGA side, they are like angels in heaven.
However, it won’t be nearly enough. It’s too little too late. Like targets for net neutrality by 2050, it’s well intentioned but won’t do the job.
It’s 2023 and the climate is visibly collapsing NOW. We were all publicly warned by NASA climate scientist James Hansen in 1988—slash fossil fuel use quickly and sharply—or else.
It’s 35 years later and fossil fuel use is at record levels and increasing. “Or else” is here.
Leaders worldwide in government and business have failed catastrophically. People who mean well cannot fix things within the system. We know that what Biden is offering isn’t enough and that even that will be stymied by MAGA politicians and MAGA judges.
The systems and leaders everywhere—United States, Russia, China, everywhere—are clearly unable or unwilling to do what’s required.
What’s being done—too little or nothing—just to protect people who derive wealth and power from DESTROYING THE HABITABILITY OF THE EARTH is literally insane!
What sane person would willfully destroy the planet they and their loved ones live on?
We cannot trust authorities. We must insist on our demand:
We demand an immediate worldwide emergency program, led by climate scientists, to end fossil fuels, end climate abuse and repair our planet.